IWCA at SBMA and more…

Seventeen IWCA members have work represented in Around the Bend, at the South Bend Museum of Art. The exhibit will run through June 26, 2022. Pictured (clockwise from top) are works by Liz Roetzel, Susan Ward and Jessie Lentych Lloyd.

Kay Weshues with her recent work at ART SHARE, Sunday, June 12, 2022

IWCA continues to offer opportunities to share work in progress at our monthly ART SHARES. This month we met at the South Bend Museum of Art, toured the Around the Bend Exhibit, then gathered to see five artists present their most recent work. This is a casual, relaxed setting for showing what you are doing, or just taking a look at what other members are up to. Keep your eyes open for the next ART SHARE on IG and Slack.

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