“Living Waters” thoughts by Cathy McCormick
“From the Lake Shore toward the City”Pastel by Cathy McCormickThis is a view of a beach at the southern tip of Lake Michigan with background showing an industrial complex that
“Faces Not Forgotten” project sponsored by the Women’s Caucus for Art
“Blair Holt”, my most recent oil painting, joins other portraits in the nation-wide effort of the Women’s Caucus for Art (WCA) to raise awareness about gun violence. Blair lived
Thinking about our exhibit, “Living Water”
Living WaterThe seeds of this exhibit idea were planted back in February of 2014 when Natalie Klein, Judy Wenig -Horswell and I were in Chicago at the WCA national conference.
The Indiana Women’s Caucus for the arts (IWCA) show proposal: “Living Water”
“Living Water”Protecting the Great Lakes Legacy Purpose: The largest fresh water supply on earth found in The Five Great Lakes” is under siege. Pollutants like fertilizer run-off, the invasive Asian